Friday, September 12, 2014

Nike Plus Training -Day 1

Yesterday was actually my first time "playing" Nike + Kinect Training but all of that was just diagnostic exercises to gauge what my fitness level was and to determine my goal, workout days, and routines.  Today was my first workout.

The workout was about 25 minutes of active time and Nike + said I burned 47 calories.  I call SHENANIGANS!  I made it through the workout and immediately stripped my clothes, put them in the wash, and jumped in a cool shower because I felt like a steamy, soggy diaper!

Nike+ Kinect Training left me feeling like a steamy, soggy diaper!
I mean, that's a good thing.  The workout was definitely harder than Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012, but how did the program say I burned so few calories??  I keep track of my nutrition and exercise via My Fitness Pal on my iPhone, so I begrudgingly logged my piddly 47 calories.

The routine was a real workout and was a bit too tough for me.  There were two moves that I just could not do and that's really frustrating, but I will keep at it and post an update at the end of my first 4-week program!  

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